Avid Birders Schedule: 2010 – 2011

Avid Birders Schedule: 2010 – 2011




June 4 – 6,2010 TBA Michigan, for Kirtland’s and 15 other breeding warblers including golden-winged, other spp. of interest.
July 10 – 11 TBA Exotic SE Ohio locales for OBBA atlasing
August 14 5:30 am Shorebirds, etc. at best available locations
September 11 5:30 am Migrants, N. Ohio/maybe Michigan: shorebirds, raptors
October 9 5:30 am Sparrows and other migrants, central or northern Ohio
November 20 5:30 am Waterfowl, gulls, other late migrants
December 11 5:30 am Gulls, waterfowl along Lake Erie
January 15, 2011 5:30 am Cold-weather gulling, probably Cleveland lakefront
February 12 5:30 am Gulls, waterfowl, N. Ohio; option for North Carolina trip with pelagic trip off Outer Banks + local specialties, 3 days
Mar 26 5:30 am Birds of the season, several regions available
April 30 5:30 am Greet spring migrants in southern Ohio

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