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OYBC interviewed Clare, a Central Ohio Chapter member, to find out how she got into birding and explore some of her other interests. Here’s the interview:
OYBC – Who or what got you interested in birds, and in what year did you start birding?
Actually I officially started this year. I got interested because I live right in front of a ravine and I would always play down there and see all these birds!
OYBC – Have you had birding mentors or heroes who helped you?
Definitely all of the people that I met this year in the OYBC! Everyone always had great stories, facts, tips and more.
OYBC – Do you have a favorite bird, and if so, what is it and what makes it your favorite?
There are so many birds it’s really hard to choose! It would have to be a race between the Andean Cock-of-the-Rock, Beryl-spangled Tanager, Red-necked Tanager, and the Red Bird-of-Paradise. These are my favorite because they’re so beautiful, funny, and elegant. They all have a special characteristic that makes them so special to see even if they’re in a photo.
OYBC – Where is you favorite place to bird?
Definitely the ravine that’s in front of my house!
OYBC – What bird would you most like to see, and why?
This bird doesn’t live in Ohio, but someday I would love to see a male Quetzal!
OYBC – What would you say is your greatest accomplishment in birding thus far?
I would have to say when I helped the Central Ohio chapter put up bird feeders for my school, Indianola Informal K-8!
OYBC – Are you interested in any other natural science areas besides birds?
I’m interested in all areas of natural science! One of my favorites and most recent is Aquatic ecology since taking a field trip to the OSU aquatic ecology lab.
OYBC – Do you have any other interests/hobbies?
I love to do crafts and spend as much time outside… besides sleeping!
OYBC – Are any of your friends/family members birders? If not, how do you handle that?
None of my family are birders. Sure they will help out, but I don’t think it’s really their thing! My friends will be interested, but I don’t really think they’ll get into it like I did. I’m really fine with it, it’s not the end of the world if they don’t like it like I do.
OYBC – In your experience, what do most people your age think about birding? And if their view of birding isn’t totally positive, what can we do to change that?
I think most people my age underestimate birding. When someone says “birding,” the first thing that pops into their head is sitting for hours, staring up at the sky and being super quiet. I think if schools would take kids on more outdoor field trips about birds, they would see that it’s not all about sitting quiet and staring up at the sky!
OYBC – How could we get more young people interested in nature?
I think most people are already into nature. But I think that maybe if people see photos like waterfalls, flowers or animals they’ll say “wow I really want to see that!” and then see how great nature can be.
OYBC – Do you think the internet can help foster a community of young birders? How?
Totally. The internet can be a great place for young birders! People could blog to each other about what birds they saw, how many different species, where, what time and even photos! But the best thing is that it’s worldwide so you can meet birders all around the world, even from France to Australia!
OYBC – Have you taken any birding trips out of state?
Not as a group, but I did get to go to Ecuador in South America last summer! It was probably the best birding experience for me! I saw about 20 different hummingbirds, toucans, parrots, an Andean Cock-of-the-rock, and many more!
OYBC – If you could go anyplace in the world to see a bird, where would you go and what bird would you look for?
I would go back to Ecuador! I would try to find an Andean Cock-of-the-rock again!
OYBC – Have you attended any birding conventions or conferences? Which ones?
No. I haven’t gone to any conventions yet, but the one in Dayton will be my first!
OYBC – Besides the OYBC, what other organizations do you belong to?
None sadly.
OYBC – Do you plan to go to college, and if so, where?
Yes. I do plan to go to college. I don’t know where yet!
OYBC – Do you have a job somewhere?
No. Not yet
OYBC – What is your dream job?
I would like to do something with Aquatic animals and be a photographer.
OYBC – If your dream job isn’t related to birding, do you think you will still be a birder once you have your dream job?
It depends on how much time I have to spare, but I really hope I will be a birder!
OYBC – If so, what do you think having the hobby of birding will bring to your career?
Well, if I study aquatic animals I could have a jump start on sea birds. Also if I know how to act around birds – that could help if I’m a photographer!
OYBC – What is your favorite book, and what makes it your favorite?
I don’t have a favorite book. I just say what I liked and what I didn’t like about it, and if someone would like it!
OYBC – What is your favorite movie, and why is it your favorite?
Basically the same answer to the favorite book question, except The Secret Life Of Birds is really good!
OYBC – What’s your favorite place to eat?
I don’t really eat out a lot. My dad likes to cook a lot.
OYBC – What are your favorite web sites?
OYBC – Do you have any pets, and if so, what are they?
I have four fish.
OYBC – Do you volunteer anywhere?
I volunteer for the Whetstone branch library during the summer reading club.
OYBC – Have you taken or taught any birding classes/courses?
Only one and that was at PRF (Prairie Rose Farm)
OYBC – Are you involved with any birding projects?
Not currently
OYBC – Do you keep a life list, and, if so, how many birds are on it?
No I don’t. I like to see the bird in person, not for just writing them down
OYBC – Has becoming a member of the OYBC changed birding for you? If so, can you describe or explain how?
Yes. It’s changed birding for me by giving me another way to look at birds and their habitat!
OYBC – Besides the monthly field trips and annual conference that we schedule, what else can the OYBC offer to their members?
The OYBC can offer new friends, being outside in nature, exercise, and a great mood to be in.