From the Columbus Audubon president

Columbus Audubon will be greener in 2017. After several years of discussions and soul-searching, the Song Sparrow newsletter will be published in an email format only beginning in January 2017. This change gives members and friends more timely information about upcoming field trips, reminders about programs, and news–from Columbus Audubon, Grange Insurance Audubon Center, and other sources. To ensure that we have your correct address in our database, send an email to [email protected] with the word newsletter in the subject line and your name and email address in the message. By reducing our eco footprint, Columbus Audubon will have additional funds to dedicate to conservation, well-renowned speakers, and scholarships. We also will reduce paper consumption and the environmental impact of a printed document. With the flexibility of an email newsletter, we can also add new features or lengthen others. Are you a fan of the Creature Feature? Do you want to see more book reviews? Let us know by emailing [email protected]. A new year is coming and that brings changes and opportunities. We hope you’ll see this change as a positive opportunity.

Tamara James

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