A Thank-you for a Columbus Audubon Scholarship

Adriana Losey
Spotted Owl - Photo Adriana Losey
Spotted Owl – Photo Adriana Losey

Thank you Columbus Audubon for providing me with a scholarship so that I could attend Victor Emmual Nature Tours Camp Chiricahua in Southeastern Arizona. I had an amazing time learning, making unforgettable memories, and new friendships.

We spent our days in many different locations. We traveled to different mountain ranges throughout southeastern Arizona. We went from deserts to the tops of mountains, letting us see the different habitats. It was not what I had expected it to be, it was much more gorgeous and living. It has become one of my favorite places I have ever been.

I ended up seeing 185 species during my time there. 85 of those species ended up being lifers for me. I cannot name my favorite bird that we saw, every one was amazing. We saw many birds that are only seen in Arizona/New Mexico in the United States. I got two milestone birds: #400 Hutton’s Vireo and #450 Mexican Chickadee.

Grace's Warbler - Photo Adriana Losey
Grace’s Warbler – Photo Adriana Losey

My favorite thing about young birder camps are the connections made with other young birders. I was very lucky to have 13 other amazing young birders from all over the US, and even one from Panama, in my session. I grew my friendships with people I had already known and made connections with new friends.

I highly recommend any young birder camp to teens. I have had an amazing experience at each one I have attended. I have taken lifelong friendships and knowledge from them. They do cost money, thankfully there are organizations, like Columbus Audubon, who provide scholarships just for teens to attend. I would not be able to go without the money received, so another thank you.

Adriana Losey is a member of the Central Ohio Chapter of the Ohio Young Birders Club

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