A Threat to the Big Darby

Big Darby Near US42 and Scioto Darby Rd 2016

A proposal to double the size of a wastewater treatment plant in Plain City will, if approved, accelerate the degradation of central Ohio’s highest quality stream: the Big Darby. Plain City is seeking this expansion in order to accommodate additional residential development.

Home to 44 species of mussel and more than 100 species of fish, the Big Darby’s biological diversity is testament to the relatively minor point source pollution discharges that have been permitted to date. However, this diversity is already on the decline, and increasing the discharge of pollutants and facilitating increased volumes of stormwater runoff will serve as another stressor to the sensitive species inhabiting the Big Darby.

Please consider helping to preserve the Big Darby watershed. You can do so in two ways:

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