It was a chilly morning. I had to get up early to start birding. As soon as I changed, my Dad and I were out the door. When we got to Gallant Woods, we immediately heard tons of birds. First, we went hiking around the parking lot and saw some American Robins, Gray Catbirds and a Northern Cardinal. Then my Dad and I went to the nearest trail to find more birds. That is when we saw an American Goldfinch in the nearest tree. Then, a Tufted Titmouse hopped to a tree a little farther back. We continued on. A little later, my Dad and I saw a little marsh and saw two Canada Geese. We kept walking and then we finally reached a forest. It looked like it was from a
storybook where gnomes or fairies would live. It was beautiful.
It was starting to get colder now that we were in the shade, but we persevered. A little up the path, we saw a Rose-breasted Grosbeak, only a little far away. It just stayed there, then it flew up to a tree that was right over the path, so we kept looking at it. Finally, we left the Rose-breasted Grosbeak. Farther up the path, we saw a Black-throated Green Warbler. We were almost at the edge of the forest when we saw a Black-and-White Warbler. Then we saw some bluebirds and a ton of American Goldfinches.

After we left the forest, we heard Blue Jays chirping, then we realized that four Blue Jays were fighting a Crow. My Dad and I went on. It was freezing so we hiked around the whole trail and saw more birds before we made it back to the Jeep.
In total, my Dad and I saw 36 species and 153 birds. It was a great day!