Avid Birders Schedule: 2012 – 2013
Avid Birders Schedule: 2011 – 2012
Avid Birders Schedule: 2011 – 2012 Here are the Saturday dates for Avid Birders outings for the coming year. The destinations will in most cases be decided a day or two ahead of time to take advantage of the best birding possibilities. Members on our e-mail list will get notifications of the plans by the
Avid Birders Schedule: 2010 – 2011
Avid Birders Schedule: 2010 – 2011 Date Time Destination June 4 – 6,2010 TBA Michigan, for Kirtland’s and 15 other breeding warblers including golden-winged, other spp. of interest. July 10 – 11 TBA Exotic SE Ohio locales for OBBA atlasing August 14 5:30 am Shorebirds, etc. at best available locations September 11 5:30 am Migrants,
Avid Birders Schedule: 2009 – 2010
Avid Birders Schedule: 2009 – 2010 Date Time Destination June 27-28, 2009 TBA Unexplored SE Ohio terrain for breeding bird atlas; accommodations will be supplied; reserve early, details soon. August 1 5:30 am Shorebirds, etc. at best available locations August 29 5:30 am Shorebirds and early landbird migrants September 19 5:30 am Songbird & shorebird
Avid Birders Schedule 2008 – 2009
Date Time Destination June 6-7-8, 2008 TBA Unexplored S. Ohio: Swainson’s warbler search, atlasing, etc. For more ifnormation, contact Brad Sparks. July 12 5:30 am Southern Ohio explorations & atlasing August 16 5:30 am Shorebirds wherever they may be found September 13 5:30 am Songbird and shorebird migrants, Northern Ohio October 4 5:30 am Sparrow,